Georgi Yanev

🔥 Announcement 🔥


I'm starting a new YouTube channel called FPVTIPS, to do much of the same I do here - try to help people new to FPV racing drones. Come check it out 👀 and subscribe 📫.

I've been really humbled to help so many people over the years and to answer the questions I myself had. I'll continue doing that, and believing in the wonderful hobby of FPV racing drones, and will also from now on do that on YouTube in addition to this blog.

Here's how you (yes, YOU) can help - 👉 come over, 📺 watch the first couple of videos, 📫 subscribe :), and leave me some 💬 feedback in the comments section. I would REALLY appreciate this, and thank you in advance 💙.

I'm sure I have a lot to learn about video production, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? And I'm definitely excited about learning and sharing knowledge! Happy flying!


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